Target 3: Circular economy
STS 2030 Circularity Action Plan
The STS 2030 Circularity Action Plan is a detailed implementation guide to promote innovative business models for a circular economy.
The offer
One of the four targets of STS 2030 is to promote innovative business models towards a circular economy, which is divided into the areas of circular economy and chemicals management. The Circularity Action Plan focuses on the circular economy and is an in-depth implementation aid for actors in the textile and clothing industry to achieve their goals. It shows the possible steps towards implementation by analysing the four options in more detail: the design of circular products, reuse of textile materials, commitment to pilot projects for recycling systems and adaptation of business models.
About the company / organisation
Sustainable Textiles Switzerland 2030 is a multi-stakeholder programme with the mission of making a significant contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Swiss textile and clothing sector along the entire value chain. Based on the SDGs, targets and measures for a more sustainable Swiss textile and clothing industry were developed as part of the STS 2030 programme.
Advantages for committed actors
Committed actors benefit from an action plan customised to the circular economy target of STS 2030, which supports them in its implementation.
Company / Organization

Sustainable Textiles Switzerland 2030
Which goals are supported?
Target 3
Promotion of innovative business models toward a circular economy.
Which measures are supported?
- Option 1: Verpflichtete AkteurInnen entwerfen mindestens 15% ihrer Produkte so, dass sie in einem funktionierenden Kreislauf zirkulieren.
- Option 2: Verpflichtete AkteurInnen verwenden mindestens 20% von textilen Materialien in neuen Produkten wieder.
- Option 3: Verpflichtete AkteurInnen engagieren sich aktiv in entstehenden Pilotprojekten zur Entwicklung von Recyclingsystemen für Textilien und tragen mit ihrem Knowhow und Testing Möglichkeiten zu deren Etablierung bei.
- Option 4: Verpflichtete AkteurInnen passen ihr Geschäftsmodelle so an, dass die Kunden in die Wiederverwendung (z.B. ReSale, Repair etc.) von Produkten einbezogen werden.
Which phases of life are covered by the offer?
Raw material production
Spinning, wet processes & dry production processes
Transport & Trade
Use phase
End of Life
Information about the support offer
Usage criteria
Free of charge
Free of charge
Support date
All year round
All year round
Target group
Procurement agency, Retailer, Manufacturer, Brand
Procurement agency, Retailer, Manufacturer, Brand
Company size
Microenterprises (≤ CHF 2 million sales/year), Small companies (2- 10 million CHF sales/year), Medium-sized companies (CHF 10 to 49 million sales/year), Large companies (≥ CHF 50 million sales/year)
Microenterprises (≤ CHF 2 million sales/year), Small companies (2- 10 million CHF sales/year), Medium-sized companies (CHF 10 to 49 million sales/year), Large companies (≥ CHF 50 million sales/year)
Legal notice
This offer is provided by a vendor that is not affiliated with STS 2030. Please visit the provider’s website for more information. STS 2030 bears no responsibility for the content of the linked site or service.