Target 2: Working conditions | Target 4: Transparency
Certification / Programme
Green Button 2.0
The government-run textile certification label Green Button combines requirements for corporate due diligence with requirements for sustainable production (meta-label approach). A key issue here is increased supply chain transparency.
The offer
The government-run certification label the Green Button verifies whether companies systematically fulfil their human rights and environmental due diligence obligations along the supply chain. For a product to be awarded the Green Button, it must also be verified by recognised labels that it has been produced sustainably. Certification helps companies to identify, prevent and mitigate risks and negative impacts in their supply chains. It also helps to increase knowledge about supply chains and thus ensures greater transparency and improved business practices. Much of the information gained can also be incorporated into corporate reporting. Independent certification bodies verify compliance with the requirements.
The Green Button office supports actors in the implementation of their due diligence obligations by providing advice and numerous support materials as well as detailed explanatory videos. The certification supports the committed actors in measure 2.1: Establishment of due diligence, measure 2.2: Development of an enhanced working conditions strategy and measure 2.4: Implementation of the strategy for improved working conditions and in the implementation of the roadmap for fair wages. In addition, the Green Button promotes the target of transparency by supporting measure 4.1: Establishment of an information policy and Measure 4.3: Sustainability information on the product and production facilities.
The Green Button office supports actors in the implementation of their due diligence obligations by providing advice and numerous support materials as well as detailed explanatory videos. The certification supports the committed actors in measure 2.1: Establishment of due diligence, measure 2.2: Development of an enhanced working conditions strategy and measure 2.4: Implementation of the strategy for improved working conditions and in the implementation of the roadmap for fair wages. In addition, the Green Button promotes the target of transparency by supporting measure 4.1: Establishment of an information policy and Measure 4.3: Sustainability information on the product and production facilities.
About the company / organisation
The Green Button is awarded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The awarding organisation defines the criteria and conditions for the Green Button, which are checked by independent auditors certified by the German Accreditation Body (DAkks). The Green Button office advises companies on how to achieve the Green Button.
Advantages for committed actors
Committed actors have the opportunity to take advantage of free training or initial counselling on the Green Button and to use the extensive support material free of charge.
Company / Organization

Which goals are supported?
Target 2
Promotion of fair wages and humane working conditions for all.
Target 4
Transparency to ensure that sustainable purchasing decisions can be made.
Which measures are supported?
- Massnahme 2.1: Verpflichtete AkteurInnen etablieren einen internen Prozess zur Sorgfaltsprüfung gemäss OECD und werden Mitglied oder PartnerIn in spezifischen Programmen, die dieses Ziel anstreben.
- Massnahme 2.2: Verpflichtete AkteurInnen erarbeiten eine eigene Strategie, in der sie definieren, wie sie mit Lieferanten zusammenarbeiten wollen um diese bei der Verhinderung von Kinderarbeit, Zwangsarbeit sexueller Belästigung und exzessiven Arbeitszeiten zu unterstützen.
- Massnahme 2.4: Verpflichtete AkteurInnen setzen ihre eigene Roadmap mit Einfluss auf die gesamte Lieferkette um, damit direkt oder indirekt eine faire Entlohnung zu erreicht wird.
- Massnahme 4.1: Verpflichtete AkteurInnen etablieren eine proaktive Informationspolitik und legen ihre Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, Lieferkettenpolitik, Massnahmen und Erfolge offen.
- Massnahme 4.3: Verpflichtete AkteurInnen ermöglichen auf ihren Produkten den Konsument*innen das direkte Zugreifen auf Nachhaltigkeitsinformationen zum Produkt und/oder zur Produktion.
Which phases of life are covered by the offer?
Raw material production
Spinning, wet processes & dry production processes
Transport & Trade
Use phase
End of Life
Information about the support offer
Usage criteria
Costs are incurred as part of the evaluation. Detailed information on this can be requested from the authorised certification bodies. The awarding body charges a processing fee of €400.00 for the Green Button. These costs are incurred when a licence agreement is concluded for each company and cover the three-year term of the agreement.
Costs are incurred as part of the evaluation. Detailed information on this can be requested from the authorised certification bodies. The awarding body charges a processing fee of €400.00 for the Green Button. These costs are incurred when a licence agreement is concluded for each company and cover the three-year term of the agreement.
Support date
All year round
All year round
Target group
Procurement agency, Retailer, Manufacturer, Brand
Procurement agency, Retailer, Manufacturer, Brand
Company size
Microenterprises (≤ CHF 2 million sales/year), Small companies (2- 10 million CHF sales/year), Medium-sized companies (CHF 10 to 49 million sales/year), Large companies (≥ CHF 50 million sales/year)
Microenterprises (≤ CHF 2 million sales/year), Small companies (2- 10 million CHF sales/year), Medium-sized companies (CHF 10 to 49 million sales/year), Large companies (≥ CHF 50 million sales/year)
Green Button. This offer is provided by a vendor that is not affiliated with STS 2030. Please visit the provider's website for more information. STS 2030 bears no responsibility for the content of the linked site or service.
Legal notice
This offer is provided by a vendor that is not affiliated with STS 2030. Please visit the provider’s website for more information. STS 2030 bears no responsibility for the content of the linked site or service.